Celebrating 30 years of Streamwatch on 3 September 2020

Sydney Streamwatch will mark its 30th anniversary on the 3rd of September. It is the second longest running Citizen Science program in New South Wales and a few years older than Melbourne Waterwatch,… Continue reading

Taking the Citizen out of Citizen Science

“Penny wise and pound foolish” was how former New South Wales Planning Minister, Craig Knowles, described impending cuts to Streamwatch in 2012. Streamwatch is a Citizen Science water quality monitoring program operating in… Continue reading

Henry Sutton – Citizen Scientist inventor

Henry Sutton was an Australian born, self-taught inventor. He invented 23 different types of telephone, a prototype helicopter, the world’s first portable wireless radio, a colour-printing process and a carbon-filament light built just… Continue reading

Was Citizen Scientist, Benjamin Jesty, the pioneer of immunology?

John Cann: Citizen Scientist Extraordinaire

It had taken 25 years for a little curiosity to evolve into a search, then a quest and, ultimately, a race to discover the origins of arguably the best-known turtle in the country.… Continue reading

How a German migrant planted citizen science in Australia – and why it worked

In 1847, a young German named Ferdinand Mueller came to Adelaide, with a dream: to be the botanist who catalogued every plant species in Australia. Off he went, collecting plants from Queensland to Victoria, up… Continue reading

Sarah Hill CEO Greater Sydney Commission on Community Empowerment

“Community empowerment was a key issue about conflict resolution about engagement about hearing the 90% of the community that aren’t whinging who are actually supportive.”   Sarah Hill, NSW vice-president of the Planning… Continue reading

Can citizen science empower disenfranchised communities?

Andrew Maynard, Director, Risk Innovation Lab, Arizona State University published in The Conversation, 27th January 2016 Early in 2015, a group calling itself the Nappy Science Gang hit the parenting scene in the U.K.… Continue reading

Community & Scientists working together to solve flooding problems in Pickering, Yorkshire

UK flooding: How a Yorkshire town worked with nature to stay dry, courtesy Geoffrey Lean, The Independent, 3rd January 2016 (pictured left: Canoeists check out buildings in flooded York Getty) While the sodden,… Continue reading

Water Quality Monitoring to ensure better quality development

This is an example of where a relationship with  the local Streamwatch Group  could have been established and monitoring undertaken as part of Conditions of Consent. Redbank Creek turbidity levels much lower By Justine Doherty… Continue reading